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Eczema on Nipples

Eczema on Nipples

Eczema is a skin dermatitis which is an inflammation of the skin that can occur anywhere on the body, including on the breast and nipple. Eczema on nipples causes itching, burning, and pain, which can worsen over time.

Importance of Breast Milk for Preterm Babies

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We’ve all heard the expression “breast is best,” and it is, but when it comes to preterm babies, breastmilk is not just best; it is medicine.  The time to decide whether or not to breastfeed a premature baby is not when you give birth early.

Tongue Tie

What is tongue tie?

The frenulum’s job is to anchor the tongue and stabilize its motions.  When this thin membrane, or frenulum, that attaches the tongue to the floor of the mouth is short, it is known as tongue tie (ankyloglossia).  The frenulum can be connected anywhere from the base of the tongue to its very tip.  It may look thin and stretchy or thick and fibrous.

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